Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society&Expogef. Paulo Couto, 2019. v.1. p.1 –
Proceedings of the XL Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC. , 2019. v.1. p.1 – 17
HALLACK, DANIEL METANIAS CARVALHO; CAVALCANTE FILHO, JOSE SERGIO DE ARAUJO; COUTO, PAULO Implementation of a Two-Phase Simulator Based on the Brinkman’s Equation for Vuggy-Karstified Reservoirs In: Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, 2019, Rio de Janeiro.
Offshore Technology Conference Brasil. Offshore Technology Conference, 2019. v.1.
DREXLER, SANTIAGO; HOERLLE, FERNANDA OLIVEIRA; SILVEIRA, THAIS M. G.; CAVADAS, LEANDRO A.; COUTO, PAULO Impact of Rock Aging Time on the Initial Wettability of Minerals and Analogue Rocks Using Pre-Salt Fluids Under Reservoir Conditions In: Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, 2019, Rio de Janeiro.
Offshore Technology Conference Brasil. Offshore Technology Conference, 2019. v.
DREXLER, SANTIAGO; CORREIA, ELTON L.; JERDY, ANA CAROLINA; CAVADAS, LEANDRO A.; COUTO, PAULO Effect of CO<sub>2</sub> Injection on the Interfacial Tension for a Brazilian Pre-Salt Field In: Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, 2019, Rio de Janeiro.
Offshore Technology Conference Brasil. Offshore Technology Conference, 2019. v.1.
DA SILVA MOREIRA, PAULO HENRIQUE; GOMES DA SILVEIRA, THAÍS MÁRCIA; DREXLER, SANTIAGO; COUTO, PAULO Application of MCMC Optimization Method to Estimate Relative Permeability of Carbonate Rocks from Unsteady-State Core Flood Experiments In: SPE Europec featured at 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition, 2019, London.
SPE Europec featured at 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition. , 2019. v.1.
DREXLER, S. G.; CORREIA, E. L.; JERDY, A. C.; CAVADAS, L. A.; COUTO, PAULO Effect of CO2 on the dynamic and equilibrium interfacial tension between crude oil and formation brine for a deepwater Pre-salt field.
Journal of petroleum science and engineering, v.190, p.107095 – , 2020.
HOERLLE, F.O., SILVA, W.G.A.L., PONTEDEIRO, E.M., ALVES, J.D.L., COUTO, P. Porosity study of coquinas using X-ray computerized microtomography.
49° Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2018.
HOERLLE, F.O., SILVA, W.G.A.L.; PONTEDEIRO, E.M., ALVES, J.D.L., COUTO, P. Porosity and pore size distribution study using digital image analysis.
Rio Oil & Gas Conference 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2018.
HOERLLE, F.O., SILVA, W.G.A.L., RIOS, E.H., PONTEDEIRO, E.M., ALVES, J.D.L., COUTO, P. Caracterização por ressonância magnética nuclear do sistema poroso de coquinas da Formação Morro do Chaves, Bacia Sergipe-Alagoas.
VIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Geofísica, Pará, Brasil, 2018.
Hoerlle, Fernanda & G. A. L. Silva, William & Rios, Edmilson & Silveira, Thaís & Couto, Paulo & Alves, José Luis & C. O. Lima, Maira & Borghi, Leonardo & Corbett, P. (2017). Evaluation of segmentation procedures using X-ray computed microtomography images of coquinas from Morro do Chaves Formation – NE Brazil.
doi: 10.20906/CPS/CILAMCE2017-0573.
Dantas, A.P.T.; Drexler S.; Silveira, T.M.G.; Couto, P.; Alves, J.L.D. Study of Phase Behavior in Surfactant Solutions Through Salinity Scan Using Pre-salt Reservoir Conditions.
In: Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference, Rio de Janeiro, 2018 – Aceito.
DREXLER, SANTIAGO; FACANHA, J. M. F. ; SILVEIRA, T. M. G. ; DIAS, N. P. ; COUTO, P. . Consistent Methodology for Restoring Initial Wettability for Reliable Contact Angle Measurements.
In: 13th International Symposium On Reservoir Wettability And Its Effects On Oil Recovery, 2018, Austin, Texas. 13th International Symposium On Reservoir Wettability And Its Effects On Oil Recovery – UT Austin, 2018.
DREXLER, SANTIAGO; FACANHA, J. M. F. ; SILVEIRA, T. M. G. ; DIAS, N. P. ; COUTO, P. . Effect of CO2 on the Initial Wettability at Pre-Salt reservoir conditions.
In: 1st Workshop on Carbon Dioxide Management and Utilization Brazil, 2018, Rio de Janeiro. 1st CMU Brazil, 2018.
DREXLER, SANTIAGO; FACANHA, J. M. F. ; SILVEIRA, T. M. G. ; DIAS, N. P. ; COUTO, P. . Initial Wettability of Pre-Salt Minerals at Reservoir Conditions: Impact of CO2.
In: 13th International Symposium On Reservoir Wettability And Its Effects On Oil Recovery, 2018, Austin, Texas. 13th International Symposium On Reservoir Wettability And Its Effects On Oil Recovery – UT Austin, 2018.
SOUZA, F.P. de. Análise Estatística E Determinação Experimental De Ângulos De Contato E Molhabilidades De Sistemas Óleo-Salmoura-Mineral Análogos Ao Pré-Sal Brasileiro.
Monografia de Conclusão de Curso, Escola Politécnica, UFRJ, 2018.
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Silveira, Thaís & G. A. L. Silva, William & Hoerlle, Fernanda & Couto, Paulo & Alves, José Luis. (2017). Numerical Simulation and Evaluation of Absolute Permeability in Carbonates Using 3D Digital Models.
doi: 10.20906/CPS/CILAMCE2017-0559.
Silveira, T. M., Silva, W. G., Couto, P., & Alves, J. L. (2017, May 17). 3D Modeling of Carbonate Rock Porous Media and Estimation of Petrophysical Parameters.
Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/185601-MS.
MOREIRA, P. H. S.; SOHRABI, M. ; JAHANBAKHSH, A. ; Couto, P. . Application of MCMC Optimization Method to Co-Estimate Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure From Unsteady-State Coreflood Experiments.
In: Rio Oil and Gas 2016 Expo and Conference, 2016, Rio de Janeiro. Technical Papers – Rio Oil and Gas 2016, 2016.
William Godoy, Thaís Silveira, Paulo Couto, José Alves, Edmilson Rios, Leonardo Borghi. Análise do REV de uma rocha carbonática utilizando-se de parâmetros petrofísicos obtidos através de microtomografia computadorizada de raios X e simulação numérica.
SIMBGF 2016: VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Geofísica, Ouro Preto, 25-27 de outubro, 2016.
Silva, W.G.A.L., Silveira, T.M.G., Couto, P., Alves, J.L.D., Rios, E.H., Borghi, L.F. Evaluation of heterogeneous carbonate rocks with digital modeling and numerical simulation.
CBG 2016: 48º Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, Porto Alegre, 9-13 de outubro, 2016.
TEJERINA, C. A. S. ; DREXLER, SANTIAGO ; COUTO, P. . Study of single-phase oil flow in micromodels through computational simulation.
In: Rio Oil & Gas 2016, 2016, Rio de Janeiro. IBP Rio Oil & Gas 2016, 2016.
FACANHA, J. M. F. ; Sohrabi, M. ; DREXLER, SANTIAGO ; COUTO, P. Experimental Investigation of Wettability for Brazilian Pre-Salt Carbonates.
In: Rio Oil & Gas 2016, Rio de Janeiro. IBP Rio Oil & Gas 2016.
SILVA, W. G. A. L. 2015. Análise do Espaço Poroso para Simulação Numérica do Escoamento de Fluidos em Estromatólitos Utilizando Microtomografia Computadorizada de Raios-X.
Dissertação de Mestrado, COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
SILVEIRA. T. M. G. 2015. Simulação Numérica do Escoamento Monofásico em Coquinas a Partir da Modelagem 3d do Sistema Poroso.
Dissertação de Mestrado, COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
HOERLLE, F. O. 2018. Estudo da Heterogeneidade, Anisotropia e Conectividade do Sistema Poroso das Coquinas da Formação Morro do Chaves (Bacia de Sergipe-Alagoas).
Dissertação de Mestrado, COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.